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Megan Byrne is currently in her final year studying Fine Art Photography

and Moving Image in Limerick School of Art and Design TUS. Her

practice is centred around the almost forgotten environments and

landscapes that are surrounding us in our everyday lives. Whilst documenting the subtleness of this through the process of analogue photography and filmmaking.


Working mainly with themes of the unnoticed landscapes and memory

leads to her most recent work titled ‘Traces Left Behind’. This is a series

of film photographs taken in the artist’s grandparents’ home in the

midlands of Ireland.

Her last video piece ‘Despair of Lonesomeness’ subtly deals with the mind's process of self-challenging thoughts and how lonesomeness can affect this mindset. This piece was exhibited in a joined collaboration of Sculpture & combined media and Photography, film & video students which was titled ‘Mixtape’ in the Clonmel South Tipperary Arts Centre in January 2020.


Furthering this, her body of photographic work ‘Elusive’ challenges the topic of men's mental health, bringing this elusive topic to the fore. Photographic works from this project were exhibited in the Luan Gallery from December 2020 to January 2021. As a part of their first winter Art Fair featuring midlands-based artists. 


Luan Gallery 

Winter Art Fair 

DECEMBER 1ST - 2020 JANUARY 24TH - 2021


Joined group collaboration of 

Photography, Film & Video

& Sculpture & Combined media

South Tipperary Art Center

JANUARY  23RD  - FEBRUARY 15TH  - 2020


Online Exhibition 

APRIL 26TH  - 2020

PRINT.ed #5,

Artist Book Fair, Espai Cultural EINA, Barra De Ferro, Barcelona


NOVEMBER  - 2019

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